PAPERS on digital marketing and AI, consumer neuroscience, and virtual reality (2017-2025)
Simonetti, A.; Bigne, E. & Rico Navas, L.F. (2025). Consumer brand choice in the metaverse: Exploring personal and social factors.Technological Forecasting & Social Change 213,124033. JCI: Q1.​
Nicolau, J.L.; Bigne, E.; Bulchand Gidumal, J. & William E. (2025). From booking to rating activities: a holistic analysis of online review behavior in a destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. JCI: Q1.
Bigne, E.; Zanfardini, M. & Andreu, L. (2024). Lexicons and thematic arguments on social responsibility. Tourism Review (accepted) JCI: Q1.
Lobo-Marques, A.; Silva, S.; Neto, A. & Bigne, E. (2024) Predicting consumer ad preferences: Leveraging a machine learning approach for EDA and FEA neurophysiological metrics. Psychology & Marketing. JCI: Q1
Bigne, E.; Ruiz, C. & Currás-Perez, R. (2024). Furnishing your home? The impact of voice assistant avatars in virtual reality shopping: A neurophysiological study. Computers in Human Behavior 153 (April), 108104; JCI: Q1
Bigne, E.; Ruiz, C. & Currás Perez, R. (2024). How consumers process online review types in familiar versus unfamiliar destinations. A self-reported and neuroscientific study. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 99(February), 123067; JCI: Q1
Bigne, E.; Currás-Pérez, R.; Ruiz, C. & Andreu, L. (2024). I want to travel to the past! The role of creative style and historical reconstructions as antecedents of informativeness in a virtual visit to a heritage tourist destination. Current Issues in Tourism.; JCI: Q1
Dini, H.; Simonetti, A.; Bruni, L. E. & Bigne, E. (2024). Conscious and Non-conscious Responses to Branded Narrative Advertising: Investigating Narrativity Level and Device Type. BRQ-Business Research Quarterly; JCI: Q2.
Bigne, E.; Simonetti, A.; Guixeres, J. & Alcañiz, M. (2024). Visual Attention and Product Interaction: A Neuroscientific Study on Purchase Across Two Product Categories in a Virtual Store. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. JCI: Q2
Bigne, E., Simonetti, A. & Shih, D. (2024). "Contagious” brands: Are they safe from Coronavirus? Management Decision.; JCI: Q2
- Shi, D.; Simonetti, A. & Bigne, E. (2024). Exploring the Factors Influencing Blame Attribution and Attitudes Toward Brands with COVID-19 Semantical Associations: A Study During the Lockdown Period. Corporate Reputation Review
Kakaria, S.; Simonetti, A. & Bigne, E. (2024). Interaction between extrinsic and intrinsic online review cues: Perspectives from cue utilization theory. Electronic Commerce Research, 1-29; JCI: Q2
Simonetti, A. & Bigne, E. (2024) Does Banner Advertising Still Capture Attention? An Eye-Tracking Study. Spanish Journal of Marketing 28(1), 3-20; SRJ: Q2
Saffari, F.; Zarei, S.; Kakaria, S.; Bigne, E.; Bruni, L.E. & Ramsøy, T. (2023). The Role of Stimuli-Driven and Goal-Driven Attention in Shopping Decision-Making Behavior— An EEG and VR Study. Brain Sciences, 13(6), 928; JCI: Q3. Awarded by the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association
Kakaria, S.; Saffari, F. ; Ramsøy, T. & Bigné, E. (2023). Cognitive load during planned and unplanned virtual shopping: Evidence from a neurophysiological perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 72 102667; JCI: Q1. Awarded by the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association
Casado-Aranda, L.P.; Sánchez-Fernández, J.; Bigne, E. & Smidts, A. (2023). The application of neuromarketing tools in communication research: A comprehensive review of trends. Psychology & Marketing, 40(9), 689-1893; JCI: Q1
Dini, H.; Simonetti, A.; Bigne, E. & Bruni, L. (2023). Higher levels of narrativity lead to similar patterns of posterior EEG activity across individuals. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17, 116098.; JCI: Q2
Bigne, E. (2024). Neuroscience Goes Virtual: How to Measure Consumers' Responses in Extended Realities. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review
Saffari, F.; Kakaria, S.; Bigne, E.; Bruni, L.E.; Zarei, S. & Ramsoy. T. (2023). Motivation in the Metaverse: A Dual-Process Approach to Consumer Choices in A Virtual Reality Supermarket. Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Decision Neuroscience; JCI: Q2
Bigne, E.; Ruiz, C.; Perez-Cabañero, C. & Cuenca, A. (2023). Are customer star ratings and sentiments aligned? A deep-learning study of the customer service experience in tourism destinations. Service Business, 17(1), 281-314; JCI: Q2
Bigne, E.; Ruiz, C. & Badenes-Rocha, A. (2023). The influence of negative emotions on brand trust and intention to share cause-related posts: a neuroscientific study. Journal of Business Research 157, March, 113628; JCI: Q1
Bigne, E. & Maturana, P. (2023). Does Virtual Reality Trigger Visits and Booking Holiday Travel Packages? Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 64, (2), 226-245; JCI: Q2
Kakaria, S.; Bigne, E.; Catambrone, V. & Valenza, G. (2022). Heart rate variability in marketing research: A systematic review and methodological perspectives. Psychology & Marketing,; JCI: Q1​
Stylos, N; Bigne, E. & Bellou, V. (2022) The affective impact of sightseeing bus tour experiences: using Affective Events Theory (AET) to examine length-of-stay and electronic word-of-mouth. Tourism Recreation Research. JCI: Q1
Badenes-Rocha A.; Bigne, E. & Ruiz, C. (2022). Visual attention paid to negative comments in cause-related posts: visual style and emotionality matter. International Journal of Advertising 41b(8), 1454-1476; JCI: Q1
Dini, H.; Simonetti, A.; Bigne, E., & Bruni, L. E. (2022). EEG theta and N400 responses to congruent versus incongruent brand logos. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11; JCI: Q1. Awarded as one of the 20 most relevant publications in 2022 by the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA)
Simonetti, A. & Bigne, E. (2022). How visual attention to social media cues impacts visit intention and liking expectation for restaurants. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34 (6), 2049-2070; JCI: Q1.
Badenes-Rocha, A.; Bigne, E. & Ruiz-Mafe, C (2022). Impact of CRM on consumer advocacy and participation: a causal model based on self-reports and eye-tracking. Psychology & Marketing 39 (1), 214-226; JCI: Q1.
Martínez-Navarro, J. & Bigne, E. (2022) Sponsored consumer-generated advertising: What prompts consumers to generate ads and what creative strategies do they develop. International Journal of Advertising 41 (4), 623–654; JCI: Q1.
Castillo, M.J. & Bigne, E. (2021). A Model of Adoption for AR-based Self-service Technologies: A two Country Comparison. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 49 (7), 875-898; JCI: Q2.
Ausin, J.M.; Bigne, E.; Guixeres, J.; Alcañiz, M. & Marin, J. (2021). The background music-content congruence of TV advertisements: A neurophysiological study. European Research on Management and Business Economics 27 (2),100154; JCI: Q1
Bigne, E.; Nicolau, J.L. & Wiiliam, E. (2021). Advance booking across channels: the effects on dynamic pricing. Tourism Management, 86, 104341; JCI: Q1
Bigne, E.; Ruiz, C.; Cuenca, A.; Perez-Cabañero, C., & Garcia, A. (2021).What drives the helpfulness of online reviews? A deep learning study of sentiment analysis, pictorial content and reviewer expertise for mature destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 20(June), 100570; JCI: Q1
Ausin-Azofra, J.M.; Bigne, E.; Ruiz, C.; Marin-Morales, J.; Guixeres, J., & Alcañiz, M. (2021). Do You See What I See? Effectiveness of 360-Degree vs. 2D Video Ads Using a Neuroscience Approach. Frontiers in Psychology 12, 612717; JCI: Q1.
Bigne, E.; Simonetti, A.; Ruiz, C. & Kakaria, S. (2021). How online advertising competes with user-generated content in TripAdvisor. A neuroscientific approach. Journal of Business Research 123 (February), 279-288; JCI: Q1
López-Trigo, M.; Puchalt-López, M. & Bigne, E. (2021). Social Media as a launching platform for two emerging political parties: Vox and Maspais in the General Elections of Spain in November 2019. UCJC Business & Society Review, 70, 18-83; JCI: Q4
Wedel, M.; Bigné, E., & Zhang, J. (2020). Virtual and augmented reality: Advancing research in consumer marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing 37(3), 443-465; JCI: Q1
Bigne, E.; Fuentes-Medina, L. & Morini-Marrero, S. (2020) Memorable tourist experiences versus ordinary tourist experiences analyzed through user-generated content. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 45, 309-318; JCI: Q1
Sánchez-Villar, J. & Bigne, E. (2020). Developing a blog trust scale via an international Delphi panel. European Research on Management and Business Economics 26(3), 134-144.; JCI: Q2
Bigne, E.; Jenkins, C. & Andreu, L. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 on consumers' intention to book Airbnb: An empirical study in US and Spain. Economia Industrial, 418, 97--107
Bigne, E. (2020). Teaching in business: a customized process driven by technological innovations. Journal of Management and Business Education 3(1), 4-15.
Ruiz, C.; Bigné, E. & Currás-Perez, R. (2020). The effect of emotions, eWOM quality, and online review sequence on consumer intention to follow advice obtained from digital services. Journal of Service Management 31(3), 465-487; JCI: Q1
Andreu, L.; Amaro, S.; Bigne, E. & Palomo, J. (2020). Airbnb Research: An Analysis in Tourism and Hospitality Journals. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research 14(1), 2-20; JCI: Q3
Bigne, E.; Zanfardini, M.; & Andreu, L. (2020) How online reviews of destination responsibility influence tourists’ evaluations: an exploratory study of mountain tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(5), 686–704; JCI: Q1.
Bigne, E.; Chatzipanagiotou, K. & Ruiz, C. (2020). Pictorial content, sequence of conflicting online reviews and consumer decision-making: The Stimulus-Organism-Response Model revisited​. Journal of Business Research 115, 403-416; JCI: Q1
Martinez-Tur, V.; Molina, A.; Moliner, C.; Gracia, E.; Andreu, L; Bigne, E. & Luque, O. (2020). Reciprocity of Trust between Managers and Team Members. Personnel Review 49 (2), 653-669; JCI: Q1.
Bigne, E.; William, E.; & Soria-Olivas, E. (2020). Similarity and Consistency in Hotel Online Ratings across Platforms. Journal of Travel Research, 59(4), 742-758; JCI: Q1.
Bigne, E.; Andreu, L.; Perez, C., & Ruiz, C. (2020). Brand love is all around: loyalty behavior, active and passive social media users. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18; JCI: Q1.
Badenes-Rocha, A.; Ruiz, C. & Bigne, E. (2019). Engaging customers through user- and company-generated content on CSR. Spanish Journal of Marketing -ESIC 23(3), 339-371.
Alcañiz, M.; Guixeres, J.; & Bigne, E. (2019). Virtual reality in marketing: a framework, review and research agenda. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1530.
Martínez-Navarro, J.; Bigné, E.; Guixeres, J.; Alcañiz, M., & Torrecilla, C. (2019). The influence of virtual reality in e-commerce. Journal of Business Research 100, 475-482.
Bigne, E.; Ruiz, C. & Currás-Perez, R. (2019). Destination appeal through digitalized comments. Journal of Business Research 101, 447-453.
Bigne, E.; Oltra, E. & Andreu, L. (2019). Harnessing stakeholder input on Twitter: A case study of short breaks in Spanish tourist cities. Tourism Management 71 (April), 490-505.
Sanz-Blas, S., Bigné, E., & Buzova, D. (2019). Facebook brand community bonding: The direct and moderating effect of value creation behavior. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 35 (May-June), 100850.
Rivera, J.J.; Bigné, E. & Currás-Perez, R (2019). Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on consumer brand loyalty. The Review of Business Management - RBGN 21(3), 395-415.
Bigne, E.; Badenes, A.; Ruiz, C. & Andreu, L. (2019). Development of a Blended Course for Online Teaching: Process and Outcomes. Journal of Management and Business Education 2(2), 108-126.
Viglia, G.; Pera, R. & Bigné, E. (2018). The determinants of stakeholder engagement in digital platforms. Journal of Business Research 89, 404-410.
Bigne, E., Andreu, L., Hernández, B. & Ruiz, C. (2018). The impact of social media and normative influences on consumer purchase behavior. An analysis of the low-cost airline industry. Current Issues in Tourism 21(9), 1014-1032 (Q1 in Tourism)
Ruiz, C.; Bigne, E.; Sanz, S. and Tronch, J. (2018). Does social climate influence positive eWOM in travel review websites? BRQ Business Research Quarterly 21(1), 26-38. (Q2 Business)
Bigne, E.; Badenes, A.; Ruiz, C. & Andreu, L. (2018). Virtual classroom: teacher skills to promote student engagement. Journal of Management and Business Education 1(2), 87-105.
Guixeres-Provinciale, J.; Bigné, E.; Colomer Granero, A.; Fuentes Hurtado, F.J.; Naranjo-Ornedo, V.; Ausin, J.M.; Alcañiz, M. (2017). Neuroscience-based metrics predict recall, liking and viewing rates in online advertising. Frontiers in Psychology, section Awarded by the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association
Sanz, S., Bigné, E. & Buzova, D. (2017). M-WOM in a brand’s Facebook fan page. Online Information Review 41(7), 936 – 953.
Sánchez-Villar, Bigné, E. & Aldás-Manzano, J. (2017). Blog influence and political activism: An emerging and integrative model. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC 21 (2), 102-16.
Martínez-Navarro, J., & Bigné, E. (2017). The value of marketer-generated content on social network sites: media antecedents and behavioral responses. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 18(1), 52-72.
Miquel, M. J., Caplliure, E. M., Pérez-Cabañero, & Bigné, E. (2017). Buying private label in durables: Gender and other psychological variables. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 349-357.
Alvarado-Herrera, A., Bigné, E., Aldás-Manzano, J., & Currás-Perez, R. (2017). A Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Following the Sustainable Development Paradigm. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-20.
Alcañiz, M.; Bigné, E. & Guixeres, J. (2017). Neuromarketing: midiendo en realidad y en realidad mixta. Investigación y Marketing, 134, 5-9